
simple path中文是什么意思

  • 简单道路
  • 简单通路, 简单路径



  • 例句与用法
  • A simple path is specified by an array of points that are connected by straight lines
  • Every simple path from a node to a descendant leaf contains the same number of black nodes
  • Your mind follows the simple path , the choice of an animal . but you have courage , at least
  • Your mind follows the simple path . . . the choice of an animal . you see an enemy and you attack it , unthinking
    你的头脑就是这么简单。 。 。像个动物一样。看见敌人就不加思索的攻击。
  • A universal algorithm for detecting all simple paths between any two nodes in weighted directed acyclic network was presented
  • Your mind follows the simple path . . . the choice of an animal . you see an enemy and you attack it , unthinking
    你的思想遵循着简单的路线. . .一个动物的选择。你看见一个敌人,于是你攻击它,不假思索。
  • Through what primal paradise in a remote morning of creation ran the simple path by which their hearts visited each other
  • In order to research parts relation network of product family deeply , it is necessary to detect simple paths in parts relation network
  • Branching query processing efficiency has also been promoted remarkably . thirdly , when processing simple path queries , this paper proposes methods that could locate the appropriate nodes
  • Third , this dissertation analyzes the complicacy of result size estimation problem for xml structure based query optimization compared to its counterpart in traditionally relational database , and proposes a full - featured result size estimation algorithm for xml query , sxm . for simple path expression query , this dissertation proposes a dynamic synopsis model for xml data based on the concept of f - stable and b - stable , xmap . for complicated path expression query , this dissertation adopts an improved bifocal sampling method for result size estimation
    第三,分析了xml结构化查询优化中的查询代价估计问题与传统关系型数据库中的查询代价估计问题的区别,提出了一套完整的xml结构化查询代价估计体系sxm ,包括对简单路径表达进行查询代价估计的动态xml数据统计模型xmap ,对复杂路径表达进行查询代价估计的双焦点例举法,以及对值匹配条件进行查询代价估计的基于小波的多维直方图方法,并能将多种查询表达的查询代价估计结果结合在一起,以给出一个完整的xpath查询的代价估计。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
*In geometry, a simple path is a simple curve, namely, a continuous injective function from an interval in the set of real numbers R to R^n or more generally to a metric space or a topological space.
  • 其他语种释义
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simple path的中文翻译,simple path是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译simple path,simple path的中文意思,simple path的中文simple path in Chinesesimple path的中文simple path怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
